Thanks for trying Ball Master! I hope you'll enjoy this game. System requirements: * Windows 95 * Version 4.7 or later of COMCTL32.DLL required. You can find it with all newest programs (MS Office 97, IE 4.0 and others) * Video card with 16-bit color support (64K colors) Ball Master is free. You can use it for any time in non-commercial aims if program files are not modified. Ball Master installation can be distributed in non-commercial aims. If you'd like to put Ball Master on some shareware/freeware CD-ROM please send one of this CD to me as a gift. If you liked Ball Master please send me something as a gift (e.g. Audio CD, Poster, postcard or something else). Thank you! If you do so I'll send you all updates, you'll get also limited technical support by E-mail and special offers when registering other software written by me. Files: BallM.Exe - Ball Master *.wav - Sounds Clouds.mid - Music file Readme.txt - This file Playing game: The aim of game is to play as much as possible, while there's empty space on board. When board becomes full of balls the game is over. During one game step you can move one ball to any empty space available from ball position. Ball can move horizontally and vertically but not by diagonal. If after move there's line of one-color balls containing as many balls as set in Get property of Game Setup then these balls will be removed from board and you'll get some empty space. You can put vertical, horizontal or diagonal line or even some of them together to remove balls. If after your move no such lines found on board computer will put some balls (as many as set in Put property of Game Setup) and you can move another ball. This will continue until there's empty places on board. Contact me with questions and bug reports by E-mail to Sorry no free technical support available. Please read information above. Thanks again! Have fun playing Ball Master! And some more information about me and my projects: I'm software engineer, developer and programmer from Estonia. I write software for Microsoft(r) Windows(tm) 95/NT. Also I wrote some Java(tm) applets and applications. Some of my previous projects: * MultiPlayer - Microsoft ActiveMovie based player for most multimedia files (wav, mpeg, mov, dat, au, snd and others). Supports playlists and trackname assigning. Free for non-commercial use. * FlashScroller - Smooth text scroller Java(tm) applet. * Surface Applet - Applet that allows to draw surfaces right on the Web. * LinkBar - Java applet. Gamelan What's Cool Applet. Navigating Internet in Win95 taskbar-like interface. * LinkVBar - The same but vertical. * RT Soft - full technology/planning infosystem for one specific factory. After some changes it can work for your manufacture too. Developing cost about 2000 US $. Copy cost with changes about 1000 US $. * GSA Phones - Multimedia phonebook, including commercial and private phones, powerful search engine. Not for sale. * GSA Korter - program for householders, registering and accounting. If you're interested you can order it. Developing cost about 500 US $, copy cost about 200$. * Ball Master - funny mind game for Win95. Planned as shareware, but now 100% free. * Calls Control - program set that allow you to control all outgoing calls from your company via office phone station. Supports usernames and departments (you can see calls price for specific department or user, call cost calculating, filtering, reporting and more. Copy cost about 800 US $. If you interested in some of that programs feel free to contact me by E-mail to I can make some programs for you too. If you need high-quality, easy-to-use, cheap and fast software developing contact me now! E-mail: Hope to hear from you! Thanks for reading this readme file. Sergei Gussev ------------------------------------ E-mail: Tel.(GSM): +372-55 35429 Tel./Fax: +372-33 76722 WWW: ICQ#: 8494428